Mind lines are buried deep in its sockets, all thoughts are followed by the void, and only consent that states, if you didn't love — then you shouldn't care
Photography: Vasily Levanov
Model: Sergey Kabanov
and Ksenia Flusova
Location: Red Triangle
Postproduction: Vasily Levanov
Casting: Denis Vezenov
Published: June 26, 2017
BLACK SEQUENCE by Visual Organization
Slide 1 (Hours)
If you don't afraid to look at your own reflection, then you can always see the line that defines the right from the wrong.
BLACK SEQUENCE by Visual Organization
Slide 2 (Minutes)
You never know who is gonna be responsible for the most exciting moment of your life.
BLACK SEQUENCE by Visual Organization
Slide 3 (Seconds)
Every date has a point when you are starting to realize how exactly it is going to end. They are not friends,looks like it but it's not. They met before briefly, a few days ago. She thinks he is a nice guy, she's wrong. No one will help #noonewillhelp
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BLACK SEQUENCE by Visual Organization
All Rights Reserved 2017 Vasily Levanov.