SYNTHEDGES by Visual Organization

SYNTHEDGES by Visual Organization

Running red lights is the sign, never to late, never to close, never to anything that matters. Living life as it should is a distant future, boring and waste. We are all here, we are all now. As it is

Photography:  Vasily Levanov

Model:  Gleb Radionov

Style:  Vasily Levanov

Location:  Kozhevennaya


Postproduction:  Vasily Levanov

Published:  August 3, 2017

SYNTHEDGES by Visual Organization
Slide 1 (Lie)
Confidence is the minimum requirement for the ability to leave a mark in this world.

SYNTHEDGES by Visual Organization
Slide 2 (Need)
Addiction is an act of defense intended to help the mind to stay away from the truth. Scared to be lonely.

SYNTHEDGES by Visual Organization
Slide 3 (Reason)
Freedom is an essential part that is making the difference between relationship and love. You're holding me down.

SYNTHEDGES by Visual Organization
Slide 4 (Pitfall)
Hatred is just another expression of what a person is capable but simply unable to give. Don't fall for me heartbreaker #heartbreaker

Source Image 1

Author:  Vasily Levanov

Location:  59.922209, 30.250193


Source Image 2

Author:  Vasily Levanov

Location:  59.921787, 30.250392


Source Image 3

Author:  Vasily Levanov

Location:  59.921854, 30.250558


Source Image 4

Author:  Vasily Levanov

Location:  59.921811, 30.250531



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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format as long as you follow the license terms.

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NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

License Terms  


SYNTHEDGES by Visual Organization

All Rights Reserved 2017 Vasily Levanov.